Gently heat soy drink with sugar. Remove it from the heat and dissolve the yeast in it. Add the coconut oil. Mix in the flour and salt to make a soft and kneed to a pliable dough. Let the dough rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.
Divide the dough in 2 and shape them into round, flat breads. Put a spoonful of jam in the middle and fold the dough around the jam to create a filled Knödle.
Steam the Knödles for approx. 15 minutes over a bain-marie. Make sure the Knödle is steamed – not boiled.
While the Knödles are steaming, stir Joe’Kurt together with vanilla sugar and syrup.
Serve the Knödle with lots of Joe’Kurt-creme and sprinkle with poppy seeds on top.